Ways to Give
HiTOPS provides sex education, information, and support to thousands of young people, families, and community members every year. We depend on the generosity and financial support of individuals to do this essential work. Please consider supporting our efforts by making a tax-deductible contribution:
Gifts of Cash
Making a financial donation is the simplest and direct way to support HiTOPS and advance our mission. You may send a check made out to HiTOPS, 300 Witherspoon St, Suite 204, Princeton, NJ 08542
Click here to make a secure online gift.
Recurring Gifts
A recurring gift paid in scheduled installments through a credit or debit card supports HiTOPS and advances our mission, as well as contributes to our ability to plan for future programming and services.
Monthly gifts of any amount truly make an impact!
Click here and select “recurring donation” to become a monthly donor.
Transfer Securities
A gift of stock contributes to future programming and services while offering donors an opportunity to avoid capital gains tax.
Leave a Legacy
Including HiTOPS in your estate plan or making a gift directly to our endowment, creates a lasting legacy and ensures the long-term health and sustainability of the organization. Talk with your financial planner about legacy gifts.